Flick the Switch is a school energy reduction program organised by the Hume City Council. As lead facilitators of the program we have been engaged to help a range of local schools in their energy reduction activities and the whole of school approach to leadership.
All schools who participate in the year long program received the following;
- Energy audits to learn more about the energy used in each school
- Professional development opportunity for teachers and staff
- Expert individual assistance to develop an energy action plan for each school
- Resources to support the delivery of each energy action plan
- School energy incursions to be delivered by CERES Environment Park
This is a free program, open to all primary and secondary schools in the Hume City Council region. Other resource opportunities from Hume City Council include:
- All schools who participate in and complete Flick the Switch will receive $1000 towards action items. Last year we had a school repair existing solar panels, another two opted for a student leadership incursion and planning day for students and the final retrofitted their carpark lighting. The scope for how this money is spent is broad and can encompass student actions or infrastructure improvement.
- Environmental Scholarships: Up to $1500 towards environmental education initiatives.
- Enviro Champs: An alumni of Hume residents that have undertaken a comprehensive ten week program to support environmental conservation initiatives across Hume.
- Hume CAN (Climate Action Now): An Enviro Champs Alum group, really passionate group of Hume residents around equipping people with the skills and support to advocate and find a voice for Climate Mitigation Strategies.
- Sustainability Taskforce: Advisory group on Council plans and policies. Six meeting a year, with requests for agenda items sent through to environment@hume.vic.gov.au for follow up.
For more information contact
Thomas Fox 0477 021 301 or ThomasF@hume.vic.gov.au
Jane Stewart 0411 838 033 or jane@leadersforsustainability.com