Start YOUR learning JOURNEY today
All classes are self-paced which means that you can begin today and work your learning around your schedule.
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All classes are self-paced which means that you can begin today and work your learning around your schedule.
visit online coursesFlick the Switch has been designed to help a school reduce its energy consumption and costs, reduce its carbon emissions, integrate energy and climate change into the school curriculum and engage the whole school community.
Our online course of Flick the Switch also gives participants the opportunity for personal self-development through structured learning pathways, self-assessment frameworks and a range of practical resources.
visit nowThanks to the generous support of the Hume City Council, schools in the region can access the Flick the Switch Program in two ways: either as a funded school or as a non-funded school.
Funded schools receive coaching from us as well as help to develop an Energy Plan, an external Energy Audit, Cash from Hume CC for energy initiatives and an incursion from CERES.
Non-funded schools can still access the online course, but it is more of a self-directed learning journey.
If you are a school within the Hume region, feel free to contact us to receive your Passcode for FREE access to Flick the Switch.
Contact Jane Stewart on or call 0411 838 033.
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