• There are many serious and complex environmental problems across Australia requiring immediate action and coordinated and collaborative solutions.
  • Effective leaders are needed across all levels of society to drive positive impact in their families, workplace and local communities.
  • Leaders for positive impact have the knowledge, skills, humility and commitment to drive change towards a more caring, collaborative, compassionate, connected, clean and regenerative future.


We know that it is not enough to raise awareness and hope for change.  Instead, those who are willing to lead need new knowledge and skills as well as practical tools and personal support along the way.

Our Development Pathway has been created to offer different entry levels to participants. Whether they are looking for inspiration, practical ideas, support with planning or one on one coaching- we offer a range of opportunities to get them involved and build their capacity to lead positive impact.

  • Action Summits – online events with inspirational speakers and thoughts leaders.
  • Online Learning – online courses for individual development around key topics and issues.
  • Leadership Labs – virtual and live events for group support and mentoring
  • Positive Impact Projects – showcase of projects with interconnected objectives and outcomes
  • Positive Impact Network – collaborative network for further learning, emotional nourishment and personal support in these times of dynamic climate change and uncertainty

With a passion for education, we know that we need to take the community beyond sustainability to address our climate emergency.  We need to immediately help citizens take bold actions that lead to positive impact across social, health, economic and environmental arenas.  The best way to do this is build their inner resilience as well as their capacity to take action and lead others in their circle of influence towards positive impact activity.